Simplifying application submission and management
StudyLink Connect is a simple and efficient way for agents and recruitment partners to submit and manage student applications to multiple education providers via one portal and one login.
Watch the video to find out why 15,000+ agents and partners trust StudyLink Connect
Simplifying application submission and management
StudyLink Connect is a simple and efficient way for agents and recruitment partners to submit and manage student application to multiple education providers via one portal and one login.
Watch the video to find out why 15,000+ agents and partners trust StudyLink Connect
One portal, one login, to access multiple education providers
The challenge
Education providers invest time and money building agent relationships and educating partners, yet many of them make it hard for agents to apply.
Education agents often represent hundreds of education providers, each with unique forms and application portals requiring multiple IDs, logins and processes. This leads to agents having to enter data more than once across multiple systems.
This negates the benefits of online admissions – transparency, efficiency, data accuracy and privacy. The process becomes slow and frustrating, and information is inaccurate.
The solution
StudyLink Connect's Partner Portal is a single portal 15,000 agents use to submit and manage applications to many education providers with one centralised login.
Mandatory requirements of each provider are clearly specified in a simple, customised application form. Agents no longer need to call or email to chase updates – each application’s status is on their dashboard with status and next steps from admissions teams.
Application information is no longer shared, stored (or lost) in unsecure emails or spreadsheets, and all users can be sure communication history and contact information is up to date and accessible from anywhere.
The need for a paperless, fully online application and admissions process has become more apparent during the last two years.
StudyLink Connect's Partner Portal saves education providers and agents time and resources, fosters trusted relationships and improves turnaround times.
How we do it
A fully managed agent and recruitment partner portal – why invest time and money in building, maintaining and developing your own only to add another system for your partners to learn and log in to. And no more responding to agent emails when they want to know about a system change or update.
A customised application form to collect complete and quality data required for assessment.
Easily add new agents and recruitment partners, including aggregators and new channels like school counselling platforms.
End to end integration – Recruitment Partner APIs let larger agents and platforms integrate their system with yours through one connection and Education Provider APIs connect to your downstream systems to enable the flow of data for better reporting and decision making
A resources centre provides your partners with up to date news, training and marketing collateral.
Proud to integrate and partner with agencies and platforms all over the globe
Proud to integrate and partner with agencies and platforms all over the globe
Service Excellence Awards
Nominate your agency's outstanding performer today, one winner each month will receive a AU $50 iTunes voucher!
Read the inspiring stories from past winners who have gone above and beyond the call of duty.
We're driven by your success
Do you have a representation agreement with one of the institutions who use StudyLink? Or do you have an agent partner enquiry?
To find out which institutions use Studylink click here
We're driven by your success
Do you have a representation agreement with one of the institutions who use StudyLink? Or do you have an agent partner enquiry?
To find out which institutions use Studylink click here